2024 Pitched Roofing Awards shortlist revealed!

All details are taken from entry forms and are deemed to be correct at the time of publication.   If you believe any details are incorrect, please contact eventsteam@markallengroup.com immediately .

Best use of a heritage roof

The judges will be looking for a Heritage roof project which has been completed to a very high standard.

Each judge will also look to see how well the new product/re-claimed tiles have integrated into the existing roof system, or how well a new product/re-claimed tile has helped compliment the whole building. The project should have been built on time, within budget and have either met or exceeded the client's expectations.

Qualifying projects must be completed between 1st June 2023 to 1st June 2024.

Belsay Hall - Wensley Roofing with Permavent

Heatherfield - Clarke Roofing Southern with Tudor Roof Tile Co.

Helmsley Castle - Simpsons of York with Keymer Roof Tiles

Kings School, Grantham - Everlast Waterproofing with SIGA

Lucent W1 - E J Roberts Roofing Contractors with Accuroof (a part of SIG Roofing)

New Museum of London - Full Metal Jacket assisted by Winkworth Metal Roofing with SIG Hard Metals

Shire End West - Joe Mew Developments with reclaimed Welsh Slate

The Stonebridge School - Breyer Group with BMI Redland

Best use of a lead roof application

The judges will be looking for a commercial, domestic or heritage roof project using lead which has been completed to a very high standard.

Each judge will also look to see how well the new product or reclaimed lead has complimented the existing building. The project should have been built on time, within budget and either met or exceeded client's expectations, all of which will be looked on favourably.

Qualifying projects must be completed between 1st June 2023 to 1st June 2024.

Derby Museum and Art Gallery - NRA Roofing & Flooring Services with ALM

Esdaile - Edinburgh Leadcraft with Metal Processors

Goodwood Shell House - Clarke Roofing Southern with Ecobat (formerly British Lead Mills BLM)

Maritime Museum, Hull - Marshall Thompson Leadwork with ALM

Wentworth - Butler Brothers Roofing with Ecobat (formerley BLM)

Best use of a profiled metal roof

The judges will be looking for a commercial or domestic roof with a profiled metal roof system that has been completed to a very high standard.

Each judge will also look to see how well the products used compliment the overall building. The project should have been built on time, within budget and have either met or exceeded the client's expectations, all of which will be looked on favourably.

Qualifying projects must be completed between 1st June 2023 to 1st June 2024.

AELTC/Wimbledon Indoor Tennis Centre - Wilmott Dixon with Kalzip

Hereford Cornish Flats (River View & Oak Crescent) - Central Group with Metrotile

Lower Woodland Farm - Western Counties Roofingwith United Roofing Products

Newhurst Energy Recovery Facility (ERF) - Hitachi Zosen Inova with Kalzip

Staddon Heights - Western Counties Roofing with Catnic Urban

Tylers Court, Erdington. - Roofstyle with Britmet Lightweight Roofing

Best use of concrete or clay tiles for a commercial project

The judges will be looking for a commercial roof project using concrete or clay tiles which has been completed to a very high standard.

Each judge will also look to see how well the new product or reclaimed tiles have complimented the existing building. The project should have been built on time, within budget and either met or exceeded client's expectations, all of which will be looked on favourably.

Qualifying projects must be completed between 1st June 2023 to 1st June 2024.

George Abbot School - Richard Soan Roofing Services with Sandtoft

John Clifford School - NRA Roofing & Flooring Services with Redland

Spire Murrayfield Hospital - NRA Roofing & Flooring Services with Redland

Thames Ditton Infant School - Butler Brothers Roofing with SIG

Tyldesley Library - Complete Roofing Systems with BMI Redland

Best use of concrete or clay tiles for a domestic project

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The judges will be looking for a domestic roof project using concrete or clay tiles which has been completed to a very high standard.

Each judge will also look to see how well the new product or re-claimed tiles have complimented the existing building. The project should have been built on time, within budget and either met or exceeded client's expectations all, of which will be looked on favourably.

Qualifying projects must be completed between 1st June 2023 to 1st June 2024.

Heatherfield - Clarke Roofing Southern with Tudor Roofing Tile Co.

Millfield Green Caddington - Russell Roofing with EDILIANS

Moat Barn - Pride roofing Kent with SIGnature clay tiles

Moonracker - Ashe Roofing with Sahtas UK

Pete Tye Cottage - Heritage U.K with Lifestiles

Picton Grange Farm - Barclay Roofing, Stockton with Keymer Roof Tiles

Trimley House - English Roofing with SIG

Best use of hard metals

The judges will be looking for domestic or commercial hard metal application either for a new-build or retro fit project which was completed to a very high standard.

Each judge will also look to see how well the product has improved/complimented the overall look of the building, and how well it blends into the surrounding areas. The project should have been built on time, within budget and either met or exceeded client's expectations, all of which will be looked on favourably.

Qualifying projects must be completed between 1st June 2023 to 1st June 2024.

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Clynnog Cottage, Anglesey - Longworth Hard Metals with VM Zinc

Downley Drive, Manchester - Longworth with VM Zinc

Mote Park Centre & Café - Salmon Solutions with VM Zinc

New Museum of London - Full Metal Jacket assisted by Winkworth Metal Roofing with SIG Hard Metals

The Dunes, Tenby - Longworth with Prefa Aluminium

Best use of slate for a commercial project

The judges will be looking for a Commercial roof project using natural & man-made slates which have been completed to a very high standard.

Each judge will also look to see how well the new product or reclaimed slate has complimented the existing building. The project should have been built on time, within budget and either met or exceeded client's expectations, all of which will be looked on favourably.

Qualifying projects must be completed between 1st June 2023 to 1st June 2024.

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Avonbridge House - A L King Roofing with Spanish Slate Quarries UK

Houndsfield Primary School - Russell Trew with BMI Redland

Lucent W1, Piccadilly - EJ Roberts Roofing with Permavent

Roundhouse, Leeds - Martin-Brooks (Roofing Specialists) with Permavent

Shireland Collegiate Academy - Replacement Pitched Roof Scheme - Roofing Contractor Central Group with BMI Redland

St Andrews Church - Maguire Brothers with Yates & Company - Welsh Penryhn

St Pauls Church - Horizon Roofing with Spanish Slate Quarries UK

Best use of slate for a domestic project

The judges will be looking for a domestic roof project using natural & man-made slates which have been completed to a very high standard.

Each judge will also look to see how well the new product or re-claimed slate has improved the overall appearance of the building. The project should have been built on time, within budget and either met or exceeded client's expectations, all of which will be looked on favourably.

Qualifying projects must be completed between 1st June 2023 to 1st June 2024.

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Bovisand Cottages - Western Counties Roofing with Gaelic

Great Eversden - Roof Brothers with Cupa Pizarras

Harlton Road - Roof Brothers with Cupa Pizarras

Heworth House - M.B. Roofing with CUPA PIZARRAS

Ladythorn Grove - The Roofing Co (NW) with Glendyne Inc.

Mill Cottage - Western Counties Roofing with Gaelic

Peabody Estate - Axe Roofing with BMI Redland

Most Innovative Product

The judges will be looking for the high level of creativity and innovation of your new product in terms of but not limited to: materials used to make it, its method of application or the way its made. The judges may also be looking to see how well the product has improved, complemented or innovated an existing project.

Proctor Air, A.Proctor Group

SpeedFlash®, Genius Roof Solutions

InVerg®, Hambleside Danelaw

SwiftRidg® Roll Top Ridge and Hip System, Hambleside Danelaw

Outstanding contribution to the industry

The judges will be looking for a person who during their career, has worked tirelessly to raise the profile of their business and the roofing industry as a whole.

Nominations should include an outline of the person’s career to date, their current role, and examples of how their hard work and dedication has had a positive impact on the sector.

Testimonials from past and present colleagues are welcomed.

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Jimmy Hall, Genius Roof Solutions

Aled Williams, SIG Roofing

Sustainable project of the Year

The judges will be looking for a new build or refurbishment project that has utilised a system or methods that demonstrate good sustainable and environmental awareness.

With regards to a refurbishment project, judges will be looking to see how well the product has improved/ complemented the existing building. The project should have been built on time, within budget and have either met or exceeded the client's expectations.

Qualifying projects must be completed between 1st June 2023 to 1st June 2024.

Brunswick Road - DLP with Wienerberger

Castle and Coast - National Park (Solar) - DLP with Wienerberger

Lucent W1 - E J Roberts Roofing Contractors with Accuroof (a part of SIG Roofing)

Peabody Estate - Axe Roofing with BMI Redland

Renatus - Thameswey Woking - Wienerberger